My name is Emina. I am a software engineer. I consider myself a hard-working, organized and self-motivated individual. I feel the thrill when I am about to learn something new. I am ready to participate in teamwork. I am responsible and devoted to everything I do. I'm always trying to improve my soft skills. I participated in many seminars that included working on public speaking and communicational skills. If you are interested in my education and employment history information, feel free to learn more.
She is the cutest being I've ever met in my life. She is born on the 5th of January 2019. She likes to run and cuddle. Sometimes she becomes angry when she meets someone new, but her cuteness never stops.
He deserves a world. We've adopted him on 25th of January 2021. He used to be a stray dog, perhaps after his owners abandoned him somewhere in Belgrade. He likes cuddles and long winter walks... and breaking the rules.