This biography web site is my project as well. Feel free to explore everything about me and send me a message. I used HTML5, CSS and JavaScript. Also, I used Bootstrap 4 Framework to ensure my project has a responsive design.

Tourist Agency Web App


  • Java
  • Spring (MVC, AOP, Security)
  • Hibernate
  • MS SQL Server
  • Eclipse IDE


Tourist App represents an application that allows users to explore, book and pay for arrangements. The application can manage two roles: Client and Administrator. The client is able to view every tourist agency's offer. He can proceed to the reservation form and book the desired arrangement. The administrator has all of the previous functionalities and additional ones - he can manage to add, edit and delete accommodation, transportation and employees' info.



  • Java
  • Spring (MVC, Security)
  • Hibernate
  • MS SQL Server
  • Eclipse IDE


Restaurapp has an idea of managing restaurant orders and billing. There are two roles: Administrator and Waiter. Waiter is supposed to take orders and create bills. Waiter can create a reservation for a specific table. Administrator creates menus, organizes tables and waiter shifts.

Home Budget App


  • JavaFX
  • MySQL Database
  • IntelliJ IDEA


This Desktop Application manages a home budget. The user inserts transaction (payment, withdrawal, savings) and the application handles the balance. The application also handles reports and overall balance based on a period of time. Keep in mind that this is my first project in Java.

E-mina Ⓒ Since 1999.